Polypropylene fiber, this type for all types of concrete.
Polypropylene Fiber, fibrovolokno for all types of concrete.
Polypropylene Fiber (fibrovolokno, polymeric fibers for concrete, fibrin fiber construction mikroarmiruyushie) (diameter 20-25 mm, length 6 - 12 - 18 mm) and characterized by a tensile strength in the range 450-530 MPa, and be applicable to surround the micro-sand-cement compositions, and other types of heavy concrete.
Consumption of fiber fiber 0.3 - 1.2 kg / m ³ of ready-mix concrete
Kupit Polypropylene Fiber (fibrovolokno) is possible from a warehouse in Yekaterinburg.
The price of steel fiber polymer (fibrovolokno) the cost of packing 10kg - 198 rubles / kg
Make a request, you can contact the manager of the sales department.
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Polypropylene Fiber microarming construction (fibrovolokno, fiber) polymer fibers to improve the fracture toughness and strength of foamed concrete, mortar, plaster compounds, concrete, etc.
Microreinforced concrete polymer fiber fibers have high physical and mechanical characteristics:
Particulate-reinforced polymer reinforcement microarming compensate for lack of concrete: fragility fracture and low tensile strength. This reinforcement of concrete is considered as an effective means to increase its tensile strength and no cracks at all levels of its structure, to provide increased durability.
Fiber concrete with mikroarmiruyushim fiber has a high impact strength, dynamic fatigue strength, water resistance, crack resistance and fracture toughness, resistance to frost.
When combined microarming compositional elements and the cement matrix is formed complex properties of cement paste and Including additional properties that do not have separate materials.
Efficient operation of the micro-concrete of Fiber defined parameters: physical and mechanical characteristics of fiberglass, cement matrix adhesion to the surface of fiberglass and durable fiber material in an alkaline environment of cement.
Effectiveness result vzaimodeistviya fiber polymer construction and cement matrix was obtained by a combination of strength and chemical resistance of the material of another. Production allows not only fiber (monofilament), and having, in its fiber core and a cladding structure (coaxial fiber). This allowed to create effective physical-mechanical and physico-chemical properties of the fiber.
Adding polymer fiber polypropylene fiber construction in cement mixtures can affect the concrete, improve the structure of the concrete is evenly distributed throughout.
The main advantages of reinforced concrete, polypropylene of Fiber (fiber)
- Reduction of internal stress
- Reduction of fracture (arising in the process of hardening of concrete)
Dispersed reinforcement polymer fiber (fiber Polypropylene) directly alters the behavior of cement paste, as part of the concrete structure, allowing you to create the necessary margin of safety. Fibers (fiber) has the ability to influence the properties of concrete, improving its quality characteristics:
- Reduces water absorption,
- Increases strength,
- Frost,
- Chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, sulphate, etc.
Polypropylene Fiber Concrete construction can increase the resistance to external influences and durability.
Fibre concrete formed by the micro-fiber technology polymer fibers for concrete construction, has technical advantages in comparison with conventional reinforced concrete:
- Increased fracture
- Durability
- Impact strength
- Bending strength
The use of polymeric fibers in concrete mixes allows you to:
- Reduce labor costs for reinforcement work,
- Improve the performance of concrete work,
- To reduce the thickness of screed without losing its strength and performance and increase the life of the floor.
Industrial floors out of fiber-reinforced concrete with added fibers are usually carried out at sites where a high flexural strength and fracture toughness of the floor.
Technical characteristics of the polymer fibers (polypropylene fibrovolokno, fiber);